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Trade credit ratings are a key indicator of business financial health, but without proactive management, they can cause financial problems.


Large Scale Grounds Maintenance


  • Carve out business experiencing a sudden drop in ratings
  • Rating agencies class carve outs as new companies
  • Declining scores impacting on their operational capabilities

The situation

This maintenance business was a carve out from a private equity company, sold to another company as they no longer saw them as part of their key offering.

In the eyes of the credit agencies, carve outs are classed as new companies and automatically get marginal ratings and low credit limits, regardless of their previous trading record. This immediately put their established business on the back foot.

What we did

By sharing three months of their trading data with the agencies, Lightbulb Credit were able to get their scores re-evaluated by providing an up-to-date picture of their trading capabilities.

All three of the credit agencies approached were satisfied with the new information provided and increased their ratings and limits accordingly.

The outcome

Over five working days their credit ratings and limits were significantly improved with three of the main ratings agencies, providing immediate stability to the business and increasing their working capital.

Agency 1 Agency 2 Agency 3
Old credit limit £50k £210k £4k
New credit limit £150k £670k £1.44m
Old credit rating 22/100 60/100 19/100
New credit rating 46/100 97/100 67/100


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Corporate credit improvement service

Our credit improvement service provides businesses with a solution to improving their trade credit rating. The process is simple and fast, with improvements regularly achieved in a matter of days. The service is also completely risk-free as the business only pays on agreed results and clients have the reassurance that all cases are handled with complete confidentiality.

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